Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SHCC: Jeff Dunham comes to Lowell

By Shawn Hansen, The Valley Patriot

Published February 2010

Introducing comedian and ventriloquist Jeff Dunham to a crowd of 6,300 at the Paul E. Tsongas Arena on Jan. 17, 2010 on the big screen television appeared his puppet Achmed the Muslim Terrorist saying, “Good evening infidels.”

Dunham is known for his politically incorrect comedy and he definitely gave the crowd what they were expecting.

Scurrying back stage to get ready, Wal- ter told Achmed that he needed to keep his privates out of his dresser.

Achmed replied, “..., what ...?” At that time, Walter threw a bomb to Achmed, it blew up, and the show started.

Once brought up on stage, Walter said, “Oh, my Lord. Where the... are we now?”

To this question, Dunham replied they were in Lowell, Mass.

“How sad is that? There’s not even a consonant in there. We’re in Lowell, Mah,” said Walter before the giggling crowd.

Reminiscing about a recent trip to a casino, Walter was not only confused at the Mexican bathroom attendant, and why anyone would be in that line of work. He said he couldn’t understand it along with the fact there was a Mexican working for the Indians at the casino.

Explaining Manuel’s job qualifica- tions, Walter said all he does is hand you a towel.

Finishing up with his bathroom break, Walter said, “I turn around, flush the toilet, automatic flusher. I look at the side of the toilet, and there’s a little button there that said, ‘manual flush.’ I thought, oh my God, for another dollar, he’ll come flush it for me.”

When Dunham made a remark to Wal- ter about his age, he said, “You’re not too far behind me, and you are gaining on me every year. Staying on the subject, Walter said he looks the same as he did when the show started 20 years ago, and Dunham looks a lot different, and older.

Babbling that the show started off with a young man, and an old man, Walter told Jeff he will eventually pass on, and, “I’ll be on a shelf somewhere. Well, no more nightly prostrate exams.”

Looking at Achmed, Dunham asked if he could tell the audience what happened the week before they showed up in Low- ell. Achmed agreed as Dunham let the cat out of the bag saying he was arrested for trying to blow up a store.

“It’s not my fault. The sign said, every- thing must go,” said Achmed.

Coming on stage, Peanut the puppet sang, “Lo-welllllll, Lo-welllll, yes I love Lowell, Massachusetts.”

Dunham asked what was with all the singing.

“The star of the show always sings,” said Peanut. Peanut went a mile a minute until Dunham calmed him down. “Why are you so rambunctious “Nyquil, and Red Bull,” Peanut replied,

Peanut then went on about going to the dentist for his check up. He said it feels like an interview as the dentist asks you a zillion questions while they are using their instruments

Bringing out Jose Jalapeno, a story about his winter vacation with Achmed, Peanut, and Bubba J was had the audience in stitches. Apparently, Achmed caused an avalanche because he brought a bomb, and thinks he is a workaholic. Jalapeno joked, “We were trapped in the snow for three days.”

Ending the night with Bubba J discuss- ing his favorite sport, Naskill, Dunham was curious as to what the game entitled.

“It combines two of my favorite things, car racing, and hunting. We race around the tracks in our trucks, and we hit the animals.”

Dunham’s show was as funny as any comedy routine can get. It was easy to see why Dunham has risen to national notoriety in the world of comedy and entertainment. Any chance you get to see Jeff Dunham live is well worth the price of admission.

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